Eleanor Somerset
Beyond the Horizon VIII $4,250 Status: Sold
Eleanor Somerset
‘Beyond the Horizon’
enquiries: [email protected]
I am constantly drawn to the landscape which tells the story of places and seasons, and is a connection for us all, wherever in the world we are. These paintings are my response to that connection, creating what is in essence a tribute to the memory of a place. They can be fleeting or more constant, reflecting the changing lines, shapes and colours of the land.
For this exhibition I have painted on Belgian linen which is an exciting departure for me. Painting on linen enables me to draw on the foundations of classical techniques in a contemporary context. In a sense, my paintings carry the weight of that tradition, while capturing my own moment, my own landscape, my own sky.
The linen has a warmth to it, the weave reflecting the light and colours of the flax. Its richness comes through, infusing the pigment and deepening forms. The weight and texture of the linen, its organic roughness, and imperfections, are part of what makes the fabric so beautiful. It’s a bit like the creative process itself; working with what you have to create something new. I’m not so much painting on linen as with it.
“I found I could say things with colour and shape that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for” – Georgia O’Keeffe